ʔeləw̓k̓ʷ | Belongings is an interactive tangible tabletop exhibit. My role in this project started as a research assistant doing user experience design. I ended up as the project manager of the final revision and used it for my thesis study.
For me, the final revision was most interesting. I implemented very specific, dynamic feedback (text hints, colour changes, image outlines, acknowledging incorrect inputs) based on earlier observations, field interviews, and structured data analysis. Then I ran a second study and evaluated the changes. I found several novel design guidelines (detailed in an upcoming paper).
The pictures here are of the final installation at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC. The video is based on the first iteration but gives a good idea of the project.
Publications based on this project:
ʔeləw̓k̓ʷ–Belongings: Tangible Interactions with Intangible Heritage
Belongings: a tangible interface for intangible cultural heritage
Design Interactions in ?elәwkw: Belongings
Designing Cultural Values into Interaction
Designing Tangible Interactions to Communicate Cultural Continuity